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The educators of today have a significant role in the future learning space as it is through them that my pedagogical thoughts and ideas are shaped. This thus creates a flexible learning environment where experiences and knowledge is conducted and passed on. Learning can be conducted through multiple streams such as physically, verbal or visually to cater for diverse learners.


Educators today influence the actions we take in the future. They will inevitably shape pedagogical practices of the future, just like the educators of the past are influencing the actions of today. Educators can be seen as facilitators of knowledge through the practices that are implemented now that will carry on into the future learning spaces. There is no telling how the education of the future will change the current situation of the Zaatari refugee’s or all refugees for that fact. However, it is our job now to prepare ourselves so that we may facilitate this knowledge in an appropriate way. The best way in my opinion being enacted through creative visual, physical and hands on learning, group learning and through technological devices so that we may empower one them to take control of their learning so that they may flourishing to reach their the full capabilities.

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