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This future learning space aims to be realistic in supporting the refugees and flexible to all. Learning will be built on from what they already know so that they may flourish and reach their full capabilities with the opportunities and facilities provided. These facilities and resources may be limited, but will be used at full advantage and to their full capability. Personal belongings can be used in a beneficial way through creating texts and reflections on past experiences. The personal belongings may be small and limited but may very well open up endless learning experiences through personal photos, books, survival belongings and many more. Through these items and the current situation of the individuals it builds the foundations to my liminal future learning space.


The Future Learning Space for the Syrian Refugees needs to contain facilities for skills/trades and higher education as Syrian Refugees already offer a huge opportunity for educational capital within Australia .An ‘investment’ is made in the education of refugees in order to make a ‘profit’ in the potential skills and knowledge derived from the investment. e.g Skilled tradesman, Business trained professionals etc.

Educational Capital can profit socially also, by fostering a change in attitude to a build a more positive future. This positivity can then be used to build a successful and peaceful life within Australia.

Many of the Syrian Refugees already have a large amount of Educational capital that can be harnessed and fostered in the skills, trade, experience and education they already have, it is now up to the Australia government to provide opportunities for this to be transferred into life within Australia.

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